Rocking up as the Grim Reaper or the undertaker this year, good sir? How about a little of both? Our Men’s Skeleton Halloween suit adds a touch of class to those traditional Halloween costumes. You’ll find this three-piece ensemble comes with blazer, pants and a tie – the top hat is yours to add, if you’re feeling particularly gentlemanly. One you’re done rocking out at the Halloween party, why not recycle your outfit? Take it into the office, or start your working day in a suit which transitions you right into the trick or treating spirit. No outfit changes required, which is pretty convenient because, you know, the Grim Reaper’s a busy guy. Do away with the doom and gloom, and add your own smile to the old school skeleton suit. If all else fails, it’s also pretty flexible for showing off your dance moves. Go on. Move them bones, mister. (Comes with blazer, pants, and tie. Hat not included)
Skeleton Suit Costume